Turning Career Pauses into Fresh Starts for Women and Immigrants

Launching PrimePath Re-entry

In Biz, Tech, and Product Skills

At Products by Women, we are deeply committed to driving positive change, fostering inclusion, and creating opportunities for all. We recognize the immense potential of those seeking to rejoin the professional world after a career break, and the unique talents immigrants bring to our community.

With this in mind, we’re excited to announce our initiative, “PrimePath Re-entry”. Our transformative, FREE virtual program, starting in Fall 2023 is designed to empower not just women returning to the workforce but also skilled immigrants seeking better professional opportunities, this program serves as a bridge to career success.

Whether you’re a professional who has paused your career for personal reasons or caregiving duties, or an immigrant navigating a new professional landscape, PrimePath Re-entry is crafted with you in mind.

Immerse yourself in our skills development workshops, confidence-building sessions, and job-readiness training, all finely tuned to boost your expertise and proficiency in areas such as UX, Product Management, and Engineering. Gain the knowledge and practical skills you need to excel in these high-demand fields, opening doors to exciting job opportunities.

With limited seats available to maximize impact, we are offering a robust set of resources tailored to your unique needs and journey.

As a participant in PrimePath Re-entry, you’ll gain:

  • A supportive community and the opportunity to build lasting friendships
  • 1:1 mentorship and personalized career counseling
  • Skills development workshops, confidence-building sessions, and job-readiness training
  • Access to a curated job portal with potential job referrals
  • The chance to develop a professional portfolio showcasing your skills and abilities

And so much more! Our participants don’t just walk away with new skills and job opportunities — they leave with heightened confidence, a support network, and the momentum to succeed in their career goals.

The application window is open until August 15th. So don’t wait — seats are limited, and the opportunity is golden. Apply now and be part of PrimePath Re-entry, where we redefine career transitions and celebrate the power of diversity in our professional world.

We hope you found this information insightful and beneficial for your own brand development. At Products by Women, we specialize in helping small brands take their products from 0 to 1 in every form, from research to building a comprehensive strategy. If you are interested in a similar analysis for your brand or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at info@productsbywomen.com. Our team of experts would be more than happy to help you evaluate and enhance your brand strategy and online presence, empowering you to achieve greater success in today’s competitive market.

Turning Career Pauses into Fresh Starts for Women and Immigrants was originally published in Products by Women Journal on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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